Project: Set in Motion
A Letter from the founder:
In 2010, I joined a mission team with my church that traveled to the impoverished village of Citalapa, Nicaragua. While we were there, we held a bike race for the villagers, awarding the winner (Jerson) a brand new bicycle. When I returned the following year, Jerson expressed tremendous gratitude for the bike claiming that it changed his life! He said it benefitted his family by improving their health and reducing their hunger. Without the bike, he, along with the other working-age men, would walk miles to the nearest bus stop where they would wait for transportation to the "campos," or fields, for work. For men like those in Citalapa, working in the campos is a primary way of obtaining food and money for their families. Unfortunately though, transportation is unreliable; the buses are typically too full to pick up more people. So, they would have to walk all the way back home to their starving families, empty-handed.
I believe that "to those who are given much, much should be expected." I recognize that I have been tremendously blessed to live in the U.S., and can't help but feel compelled to do more in this situation. So, after witnessing the life-saving power of a bicycle, I started Set in Motion. Set In Motion is a ministry that delivers Bibles and bicycles to families in developing nations who suffer due to lack of transportation. By distributing Bibles and bikes, we plan to continue to change the lives of many other families, just like Jersons', and even entire villages, just like Citalapa. But even greater than the power of a bike is the power of God’s word.
The Gospel message of salvation through Jesus Christ stands at the core of this ministry. Not only did I want to help fight global starvation, but even more, I wanted to spread the Gospel message of hope to the ends of the earth. So, in addition to each bike, Set in Motion also gives a Bible written in the recipient’s native language.
I believe that God will continue to expand this ministry and use it to reach the corners of this world.
Nancy Ford
Founder of Set in Motion
Nancy Ford
Wofford College 2016
Erika Deiseroth
Vice President
Grossman Yanak & Ford LLP
Nancy Ney
Retired Non-profit CEO
Thomas Ford
Retired For-profit VP
Scott Carter
Board Member
Webster Baptist Church
Board of Directors
As Set in Motion grows, it will uphold and commit to the values of Honesty and Transparency, Excellence and Integrity, Honor and Service, and Biblical Principles.
These values are not hierarchical because together they will create a balanced organization.
Set in Motion has made four delivery trips expanding into ten rural Nicaraguan project sites (seen in the map above). Families in every project site have already received either a Set in Motion Bible + Bike package, food package, or both.
Achieved 501(c)(3) status
EIN: 61-1722267