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Set in Motion Sites

Meet the Village: Citalapa, Nicaragua

The isolated village of Citalapa is home to about 100 poor and malnourished families.  Large extended families live together in rough shanties built from scrap metal and pieces of wood propped and nailed together.  Children often sleep on pieces of cardboard or wood on the dirt floor while adults might use a handmade hammock or an old mattress.  Running water does not exist but most houses have access to electricity.
Roads are not regularly maintained and transportation is unreliable.  Few can afford a bike.  Those who find transportation to work earn meager wages, laboring long hours in fields or factories, or as security guards or vendors on the streets outside the village.  Daily income ranges from $1 to $10 per household.  Families in Citalapa must survive on simple diets of rice, beans and corn.  This diet is also very common in other rural villages.  When they cannot get work, they may not eat anything at all.
Six months after Set in Motion's first delivery trip in July 2013, we returned to the village.  We found that none of the recipient families had skipped a meal since receiving their new bicycles and none of their children had missed a day of school because of transportation-related issues.  In addition, families have come together to read the word of God in their own language.  They told us they have benefitted greatly in their understanding of Jesus and life in general.  We are optimistic that the 15 more Bible + bike packages we delivered in January 2014, will have an equally great spiritual and physical impact.

Meet the Village: Las Quebradas, Nicaragua

This rural village is nestled in the mountains of Nicaragua, almost two hours away from the nearest cities, Managua and Matagalpa.  Because of the condition of the road, very few people enter the community to buy or sell products.  Villagers must walk several kilometers to reach work sites or to buy staples.  In addition, schools and health clinics are also difficult to access. 


There are twenty households with approximately sixty people. 


After two delivery trips, Set in Motion donated twenty Bible + bike packages and food packages.  Within the first five minutes of bike ownership, families were sharing and taking test rides!  We are very excited about continuing with additonal discipleship programs in Las Quebradas as we expand into other neighboring communities.


Meet our new villages!

The impoverished Boaco area of Nicaragua is home to Las Quebradas as well as sixteen other neighboring communities, nine of which have received Set in Motion provisions.  These communities have between six and sixteen households each struggling to feed their families.  One hundred and four food packages and 11 Bible + bike packages have already been delivered to families in:


Wiscoyol • El Coyol • La Guatucera • La Seba • La Conga 

El Llano • Los Altos • Las Quebradas II

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